Project C.H.U.C.K. stands for Continuously Helping Uplift Community Kids. Our goal is to provide our youth with the resources they need in order to give their best efforts in all they do, both now and in the future.

Project C.H.U.C.K. is Best of the Batch Foundation’s longest-running program, Continuously Helping Uplift Community Kids for 21 years. Starting with just 85 participants, Project C.H.U.C.K. now serves over 350 children annually. The program is created for boys and girls ages 7-18. The focus of the league conquers more than giving kids something to do over the summer because it also builds discipline, self-confidence, team orientation, and fundamental basketball skills.
Participants play 15 games over the course of seven weeks with the ultimate goals to advance in the playoffs and to the championship game on Championship Day. The game is used to draw kids in, but education is always the focus. Each participant is required to read a book assigned to their team and attend three mandatory study halls. Athletes must attend all study halls in order to play.
Participants are required to supply COPIES of ALL FOUR documents FOR US TO KEEP OR COPY, otherwise, you will NOT be permitted to participate.
- Birth certificate
- Proof of insurance
- Latest report card or progress report
- Current physical (school physical accepted)

League Rules - 3 Strikes
- No swearing/cursing.
- Bullying will NOT be tolerated.
- All teams must have a coach with an assistant coach.
- All teams must have numbered jerseys. No hats, head rags, sunglasses, or jewelry is to be worn on the court.
- All players are required to have proof of age upon request.
- No balls permitted in the court unless issued to the teams.
- Any 2 TECHNICAL FOULS on any player or coach during the course of the game will result in immediate ejection from the game and a one-game suspension.
- A staff member will keep the official scorebook and game clock.
- NO DRUGS or ALCOHOL permitted on the playground. You will be asked to leave and the police will be called if needed.
- Project C.H.U.C.K. reserves the right to dismiss any team/player/staff that it deems detrimental to the league.
- Players and coaches from both teams will shake hands at the end of each game. All involved will stress good sportsmanship.
- 3 unexcused practices will result in dismissal from the league.
- All rosters must be completed and turned in 10 minutes prior to their game.
- Teams are required to be present at least 20 minutes before game time.
- Teams must be ready to play their games on time and ready to warm up immediately after the preceding game has concluded.
- Forfeit: Any team not ready to play within 10 minutes of scheduled game time results in an automatic forfeit.
- There is a 10-minute grace period between scheduled games.
- If a player is bleeding, he/she is required to come out of the game for treatment.
- Each player must play in each half at least 5 minutes.
- For boys/girls ages 7-9, 10-minute halves. 10-12 teams, 12-minute halves. 13-18 teams, 20-minute halves. There will be a 5-minute overtime period and repeated as necessary.
- 3 timeouts per team: one full 1-minute and two 20-seconds.
Remember that as a participant in Project C.H.U.C.K.,
you represent Best of the Batch Foundation.
Teams play at Charlie Batch Playground 16th Avenue Playground in Homestead, weather permitting. If rain is in the forecast, games will occur at Steel Valley Middle School when announced.